Damon feels fortunate to have lived and worked in Telluride for the last 30 years. His tenure at Telluride Properties approaches 25 years. Damon began his career as a Certified Residential Appraiser for the County Assessors office in 1992. This experience provided him with a unique perspective on all property types and their underlying values. This insight, coupled with his 25 years at Telluride Properties as a real estate Broker, has proved invaluable in establishing an unsurpassed knowledge of Telluride regional real estate. Damon and his wife Elaine, have raised two treasures in Telluride’s happy valley – Chrysanthe, a Bowdoin College graduate now living & working in Aspen and Sam, a recent graduate of University of Colorado. Elaine is the Vice President of special initiatives for the Telluride Foundation.