Kiplynn Smith

Broker Associate

Kip hails from the charming town of Eugene, OR, where her journey in Nursing began. Her path led her to the breathtaking mountain haven of Telluride in 2000, where she initially delved into property management, working for the town’s once-largest company. Following that, she served as a Research Analyst for a pan-Asia private equity fund before transitioning to a thriving career in real estate.


In 2006, Kip embarked on her initial meaningful journey with the Telluride Association of Realtors, volunteering as Director. Over the years, her commitment to the community saw her rise to the position of Board President and now Mountain District Vice President for the Colorado Association of Realtors, and she is actively contributing to various local and state committees. A true trailblazer, Kip initiated the local Disaster Awareness and Affiliates committees and played a pivotal role as a founding member of the Colorado Association of Realtors’ Young Professional Network. Today she is focusing on local issues surrounding wildfire preparedness alongside the County, Sheriff’s Department and local governments in addition to protecting private property rights.


Beyond her professional endeavors, Kip is passionate about giving back. Currently, she serves as a dedicated One to One Board Member, Rico Planning and Zoning Commission and Girl’s U19 Lizard Head Hockey Coach. When not immersed in the world of real estate, you’ll find Kip embracing the great outdoors. In the summer, she’s cruising on her bike or hiking in the wilderness, and come winter, you’ll spot her gracefully gliding across the ice or skiing down the slopes. Kip’s story is one of professional achievement, community leadership, and a love for the active, mountain lifestyle.