Telluride Real Estate Report – August 2021

San Miguel County Real Estate Data

Comparative Sales Report for August 2021

We are coming to an end of the ’21 summer season and the San Miguel County real estate market has continued its pandemic related incline with $95.Sm in sales during August ’21. T his brings the total dollar volume of sales for Summer ’21 (June – August) to $253.6m, compared to $227.9m during Summer ’20, which is an 11 % increase. Buyers continue to be highly motivated, while supply/inventory continues to plummet, which is driving prices higher and higher. T his high demand has resulted in a 164% increase of dollar volume in YTD ’21 ($868.32m) compared to prior YTD 5-year average ($328.61m). While inventory has been historically low, many new listings are coming onto the market at higher prices in order to take advantage of the heightened demand. Inventory is not keeping up with demand, which is putting increased pressure on the market and it will be interesting to track where the breaking point is.


Reach out to us for more detailed statistics and Telluride Real Estate Market information. Contact us here.


All data compiled and published by Telluride Consulting ©Copyright 2021. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed reliable, but is not necessarily complete and cannot be guaranteed, errors and omissions excepted.


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