Telluride Real Estate Report – December 2020

San Miguel County Real Estate Data

Comparative Sales Report for December 2020


We closed out an incredible year of real estate sales in San Miguel County with August through December all exceeding $125m each month in dollar volume! The total dollar volume for ’20 set an all-­time record in San Miguel County with $1.16 billion in sales, which is a 54% increase from the previous all-time high set in ’07 ($756.6m). The number of transactions in ’20 for San Miguel County totaled 814 compared to 631 in ’07, which is a 29% increase. With $160.83m of total dollar volume in December ’20, we finished the year strong with a 166% increase in dollar volume for the month compared to the prior 5-year average of December sales.


Reach out to us for more detailed statistics and Telluride Real Estate Market information. Contact us here.


All data compiled and published by Telluride Consulting ©Copyright 2021. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed reliable, but is not necessarily complete and cannot be guaranteed, errors and omissions excepted.


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